Dr. Thomas LaSelle, Dr. Thomas Grotenhuis, Dr. Stacey Madson and Dr. Zack Flint may recommend an orthodontic appliance to supplement your regular treatment and help ensure that your teeth are moving into their proper positions. We will carefully evaluate your teeth at each of your appointments to determine if an appliance is needed, and if so, which type of appliance is right for you. Call Forest View Dental SC at 920-733-1111 to schedule an appointment with our dentists and learn more about orthodontic appliances in Appleton, Wisconsin.

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10 Questions To Ask Your Dentist

Not all dentists are the same, and choosing a new dentist can sometimes be difficult. Contact us to get a list of the questions you should ask when you are selecting a dentist. We are always happy to answer your questions and provide you with additional information!

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